faz parte da rede social descentralizada chamada de fediverso.
Uma instância com moderação ativa e foco em pessoas queer/LGBTQIAPN+ que falam português. Saiba mais em!

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Looking for strange unusual good music? U may like…

RADIO IRRTUM! (on air from Berlin)

↓↓↓ German version far below the English one ↓↓↓

The next issue of
#RadioIrrtum! will happen this Saturday, 2025/02/15, 8:00pm UTC+1/Berlin time. At Alex Berlin FM at 91MHz or DAB+ K7D around #Berlin and worldwide at .

#Radio Irrtum! is a German language #radioShow exploring the sonic vastness of the #underground. Emitted transmissions may raise your attention for new unheard #music all over the genre spectrum all over the planet. Don't worry about the German language aspect - 'cuz it's all about the #music!

While still living apart from home fighting bureaucratical struggles 2 get health support 4 my aging parents since weeks now… I found enough energy to record a fine chaotic show - just as I like it (btw. involving the microphone of my phone, because it sounds seriously better than my
#Zoom). Covering genres like…

- souly
#Beatmaker Raps
#Bass flavored as #2Step, Cut up, #Denver style
- experimental
#Indie Pop, - Songwriter Techno, - lofi Folk involving #spokenWords, - #footWork, - #JazzNoise
#feminist #Punk
- classic

We focus on various styles of
BASS during the first half while the 2nd half is dominated by experimental (but cool!) music done mostly by women. Oh yeah!
This time the Fediverse is represented by and his wonderful music. Also I'd a lot of those tracks played aren't available from #Spotify. That's how we swim against the tide ;) .

If at least a bit interested in kewl new unusual
#music, tune in! 📻

I'll post playlist + manuscript later here (provided I’m home, else it will come up the day after). And if you have questions? I'll gladly answer! Just ask!
CU all on Saturday! :)

↑↑↑ English version above, the German one below ↓↓↓

Radio Irrtum! kündigt sich an → für Samstag (15.02.), 20:00 über Alex Berlin auf FM 91MHz/DAB+ K.7D (Stream URL oben).

Die seltsam funke(ln)de Radiosendung, in der wir die planetenumfassenden Weiten des musikalischen Untergrunds erforschen.

Diesmal mit Genres wie
- souly Beatmaker Raps
- UkGarage
- Bass (2Step , Cut up, Denver style)
- experimentellen Indie Pop, - Liedermachertechno, - SynthPunk, -spokenWords, - footWork, - JazzNoise
- feministischen Punk
- klassischen Goth Rock

Insofern fokussieren wir zunächst auf heftigen cluby Bass, während die zweite Hälfte sich auf experimentelle coole Musik stützt - hauptsächlich von Frauen kreiert. Oh ja.

Zudem ist ein großartiger Fediverse-Künstler vertreten (s.o.) und die meisten Tracks findet Ihr NICHT auf Spotify, denn hier wird gegen den Strom geschwommen.

Playlist + Manuskript (zusätzlich in englisch) nach der Show (spätestens Sonntag) hier drunter. Fragen einfach stellen – ich antworte (spätestens Sonntag)!

Bis zur Sendung… vielleicht? :) (na eigentlich MÜSST Ihr!).

#fediverseArtists #musicRecommendation

What are some good fashion instances on fediverse? Also open to specific fashion accounts to follow! I like ouji fashion, emo/scene, techwear, punk, goth (cyber, pastel), kei, blanket "alternative", and anything that makes you look like a butler from any time period.

Hi! Time to repost my #introduction. I'm a #UX #designer in the USA (#Philadelphia) and focus on #enterprise design. Otherwise, I like to sketch #cats in #procreate make physical #art, and #surface art bicycle, hike in the woods, #garden, #read and wet felt. I also dabble in #wordpress and run a few sites. And am particularly fond of #goth music #horrormovies #spooky stuff like #cemetery tours. I hope to connect here, create some community. 👋 and have interesting conversations

Whelp, I was too lazy(add) to get around to finding a new instance before my old instance was shut down (Yeah THAT one). The signs were coming for a long time, I just had other priorities. Now I am trying to recreate my account and connections from there.

So new instance, time for an #introduction post. (I never actually did an introduction post on my old account).

My name is Claire, and I am a #transgender woman. Although I have sort of known I was a woman since early puberty, I didn't accept it and decide to transition until my mid 50s. I have been fully out as a #TransWoman and living my life as a woman since May, 2024. My transition is still ongoing and is a big part of my life. My posts here are going to talk a lot about transition. I talk a lot about my transition in person too. I am still only attracted to women, so that makes me a #lesbian.

Besides being a hot mess of a #trans girl, here's some things about my life:

* I work in tech. I am a Principal Engineer for a big tech corporation. I work on and around media streaming tech.
* Before streaming media I worked on computer games, chances are you've heard of a couple of them.
* I am passionate about #music and especially #LiveMusic. I have eclectic tastes and fangirl about many different genres, mainly contemporary ones. #Indie, #IndieFolk, #LatinPop, #Reggaeton, #alternative, #flamenco, #punk, #NewWave, #PostPunk, #industrial, #goth, #DarkWave.
* #cycling is my main way of staying physically active (besides going to dance clubs with my friends), I try to ride at least 3 days a week. Message me if you want to follow my #strava account.
* My politics are #liberal, with mainly #leftist leanings, but most of my hard core lefty friends think I am too conservative. I generally don't get into politics here except for #LGBTQA , #feminism , and overall #humanrights
* I used to study #photography, but it's been a while since I've been active. I just bought a couple of film cameras that I hope will inspire me to shoot more.
* Mom to 3 awesome adult daughters, 2 of whom are #twins
* I have 2 dogs, that I co-parent with my ex-wife.

Posts from this account are intended for a #transgender and/or #queer audience. If you are not #trans or clearly super gay from your post history I won't accept the follow. If you are just interested in my political stuff, follow

***Edit:** because I left out a couple of important things*

Aloha, I'm new on this instance, so I'd like to introduce myself. #Musician and #photographer from Southern #Germany (#Bodensee). Disabled because of ALS but I can still use #Cubase with an eye gaze control: I do #electronic #darkwave, #ambient, soft industrial. I am #vegan, #leftist and #goth. I love #horror and #science-fiction movies and books. Up to 9 years ago I was a pro double bass player. Tooting in DE and EN. Nice to meet you all. (:
#intro #introduction

Goth Is White: Pallor, Prejudice and Purity
the deep dive into the history, gatekeeping and exclusion, racism and colorism, uplifting of pallor, flirting with fascism, fetishization and appropriation, conflicting ideologies and reality, and all-round white supremacist tendencies of the alternative/goth subculture that absolutely no-one asked for
#BlackMastodon #BIPOC #LGBTQ #Trans #Goth #white #whiteness #antiBlackness #Racialized #Racialization #RacializedClass #Classism

Moving hosts from, time for a new #introduction.

I'm old and disgusted with the squandered/co-opted promise of the WWW. We were going to make something good with it. Instead I'm on #Gemini and back on #Gopher. I program in a mainstream language for work, and so write weird stuff mostly in #CommonLisp for fun.

I'm an old #goth and love the aesthetics and literature of the fin de siècle. I also love #horror but I'm much more well-versed in horror #literature than film.

If I talk about politics, it will be more about issues, events, and theory than about elections and politicians.

I lighten up my dark aesthetic and poke a ray of hope through my despair by watching #StarTrek. Yes, of course #DeepSpaceNine (#DS9) is my favorite series. I study #tlhInganHol for fun, but I'm not very good at it. tawmeyDaq vulqangan, tlhImmeyDaq tlhIngan.

I post mostly in #English, read posts in Spanish, French, and tlhInganHol; will machine-translate posts in other languages that look interesting. Toots are deleted after a month unless pinned or active.

This is the official Mastodon account for Satan Not Hatin' - a campaign by the Global Order of Satan to fight back against encroaching hate and fascism in the alt music scenes we love. You can read more about the campaign here and see our opt-in list of participating artists, organisations and venues from all over the world:

Global Order Of SatanGlobal Order Of Satan - Satan Not Hatin’The Global Order Of Satan - Satan Not Hatin’

New intro because I've moved (town, not server):

I'm an #artist working primarily in #drawing, #photography, and #printmaking, based in #Hastings on the south coast of the UK. Portfolio & shop links in profile. Currently work on my Acid Renaissance series of #Artwork

I also blog frequently, covering topics such as my #Art, #AcidCommunism, #Anarchism, #Utopianism, #hauntology, #psychogeography, #CapitalistRealism, #Mythology, and #Folklore.

Me: he/him, cis, #anarchism, vegan, #goth.


Hi! I'm Dahlia.

I'm mainly into friendly chatter and conversation here. I take a lot of fedi breaks but I do try to engage, often awkwardly, through replies when I can.

Stuff to say hi about:
#trans and #TransJoy
#vhs and #RetroGaming
#diy, #drawing, #LinoCut, #EverydayArt
#vegan, #goth, #DeathRock
#zines and little hand drawn comics

I like seeing little art projects that people do to get through the day.

Open to #mh talk. Learning a lot and navigating my own deal too.